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Ken Dickson has been invited onto the Faculty of BEiT (Business Entrepreneurship: Ideation and Training), part of

BE:iT is part of BE Hub Africa a new Nigerian-based organisation whose mission is  "Helping Businesses and Entrepreneurs change the world through training, advice, mentoring and support".

Ken spoke at the 13-Feb-21 session of BEiT on the subject of 'Managing Business Finances’. In his talk, Ken outlined his Pillars of Business Success (POBS) model and gave several suggestions for managing finances wisely using his BRANCH approach.

On 17-Jul-21, at the start of the second cohort of students, Ken spoke on 'An Introduction to Business Planning'.

If you would like to watch Ken's presentation or ask him to speak to your group or company, please contact him now.

Ken Dickson, Axiom-e's Managing Director, visited Lagos, Nigeria in August 2017 to speak at the Cambridge International Education Conference on Adapting Education to Changing Times. The Conference was for teachers and school owners. Ken's well-received sessions were geared to the school owners and covered:
  • The Future of Education
  • Managing Risks
  • Building the Future

The last session helped to introduce Ken's business model. As a result,  he has been invited back to Lagos to run his full course on "The Pillars of Business Success" and is currently discussing options.

Ken developed the course pro bono and runs it at a significant discount to his normal rates in order to benefit the next generation of entrepreneurs that countries like Nigeria need to cope with the effects of the massive projected increase in population.

More details (including how to book) will be provided in due course. In the meantime, as was the case when the course was run in Zambia in May 2017, we are seeking sponsorship from one or more organisations to cover the costs of the course so that, through bursaries, many deserving entrepreneurs are able to attend, irrespective of their economic circumstances.

We hope that your organisation will be keen to support the programme which will help young Nigerians run their businesses with integrity, wisdom and skill.

If you or your company would like to be involved, please contact us via the website,  or by email to, for more details.

Thank you.


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